
Fragile China

Fragile China



FEBRUARY 7, 2010

China's bully-boy attitude, manifested in its delisting of the University of Calgary as an accredited school after the U of C bestowed an honorary degree on the Dalai Lama, should cow no one in this democratic society.


But it should serve as a wake-up call to those who may be lulled into complacency about China and tempted to think that because China is growing in global importance as a trade partner, it is making equal strides toward attaining more western ways of thought. It most definitely is not, and nobody should lose sight of that fact.


Noses in the Chinese government hierarchy are severely out of joint, apparently because the U of C awarded the Dalai Lama the degree. This could affect the status of the approximately 600 Chinese national students on campus who hail from Hong Kong and China. It should come as no surprise that China appears not to care how its petty, retaliatory behaviour will affect its own nationals abroad.


The U of C has nothing to apologize for, or to regret. The Dalai Lama is a renowned spiritual leader, who has been awarded numerous honorary degrees around the world, including three from other Canadian universities. Nor should any western university censure itself or make concessions to the manipulative grumblings of China. Universities have every right to grant degrees to whomever they please, and this incident should deter none of them from continuing that tradition. Caving in to a bully's behaviour only further encourages the bully to continue that behaviour, because it brings results.


That doesn't mean Alberta education officials should respond in kind or seek some sort of retaliatory action against China. That would only be stooping to the scurrilous level of behaviour the Chinese are exhibiting. Advanced Education Minister Doug Horner is taking the right approach. He wants to preserve the good aspects of the reciprocal relationship with China, while focusing specifically on dealing with the problematic part of it. Horner says he'd like "to see the situation rectified as soon as possible," and that "we'll talk to them to see what we can do."

这并不意味着阿尔伯塔教育机构应该善意的回复或是采取某种对中国的报复行动。这只会被视为对中国人显示出的下流行为的屈尊。高等教育部部长Doug Horner正在进行正确的努力。他想要维持与中国的互惠关系,同时把注意力放在与它有问题的部分进行交易。Horner说他喜欢“看到这个境况被尽快解决,”而且“我们会同他们进行对话看我们能做什么。”

This is the fine line that always has to be tread in dealing with China, and one that's vital on the business front. China is growing in importance as a trading partner, but Canada must carefully balance that out by not neglecting to keep the very real issue of Chinese human rights abuses in mind. That's one reason Prime Minister Stephen Harper rightly delayed his first trip to China for so long. Likewise, Alberta needs to encourage open exchanges with China, and to let the Chinese know that students are welcome here, for slamming doors over the Dalai Lama incident accomplishes nothing.

这就是在同中国交易的时候经常要被践踏的事实,而且最重要的原因就是基于商业的理由。虽然中国正在成长为一个越来越重要的贸易伙伴,但是加拿大必须不能忽略把中国的人权问题谨记在心头。这就是总理Stephen Harper显示正确的推迟了他访问中国时间的原因。同样的,阿尔伯塔需要鼓励与中国开放的交流,从而让中国人知道这里是欢迎留学生的,中国在达赖喇嘛问题上的抨击算不了什么

Yet, Horner must also make clear that Alberta will not be intimidated or dictated to, and that no apologies will be issued to placate China, either.


