
Biggest Haul at Grammys Goes to Beyoncé


Biggest Haul at Grammys Goes to Beyoncé


Mike Blake/Reuters

Beyonce performs a medley of songs at the Grammy Awards on Sunday night. More Photos >

LOS ANGELES — Affirming her role as one of the reigning queens of pop music, Beyoncé was the top winner at the 52nd annual Grammy Awards on Sunday night, taking six prizes, including song of the year for her inescapable hit “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).”

Beyoncé正在进一步巩固她流行天后的地位,她赢得了六个奖项,是周六晚上第五十二届格莱美奖的大赢家,当然这其中当然包括了她Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)这首歌获得年度最佳歌曲奖。

But she shared the spotlight with Taylor Swift, the poised 20-year-old country-pop singer, who was crowned a new superstar with four wins, including the top prize, album of the year, for “Fearless.”

但是她是与Taylor Swift一同分享场上的聚光的,这位20岁的乡村歌手。而Taylor也被四项奖项而加冕超级明星,包括了最具分量的奖项————“Fearless”赢得的年度最佳专辑。

“This is the story we’re going to be telling over and over again — in 2010, we got to win album of the year at the Grammys,” she said while accepting the award.


After a punishing decade for the music industry, the voters of the Recording Academy, the organization that bestows the awards, reversed its recent trend of showering acclaim on modest sellers, sticking instead to the biggest names in entertainment. Right behind Beyoncé, with three awards each, were the Black Eyed Peas, a powerhouse of radio-friendly hip-hop, and the alternative rock band the Kings of Leon.

在谴责了数十年音乐工业之后,那些授予这些奖项的投票者,对他们给予销量平平的专辑喝彩的做法发生了180度的转变,开始关注那些娱乐界的大人物了。就在Beyoncé之后,赢得三个奖项的,正是超人气嘻哈组合Black Eyed Peas和另类摇滚乐队Kings of Leon。

Kings of Leon won record of the year for the boogieing blues-rock song “Use Somebody.” (The record category is for performers; song of the year recognizes songwriters.) Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” also took best R&B song and best female R&B performance, and her “Halo” won best female pop vocal performance.

Kings of Leon通过布鲁斯摇滚歌曲“Use Somebody.”赢得了年度制作的奖项。Beyoncé的“Single Ladies”也获得了最佳R&B歌曲和最佳R&B女歌手的奖项,而她的歌曲“Halo” 赢得了最佳流行女歌手的奖项。

The Black Eyed Peas won for best pop vocal album (“The E.N.D.”) and best pop performance by a duo or group, and the R&B singer Maxwell won best male R&B performance and best R&B album (for “BLACKsummers’ Night”). The Zac Brown Band, a country-rock group from Atlanta, won best new artist, though since 2004 it has released three albums. The ceremony, packed with splashy performances, celebrated the power of pop celebrity in an age when the foundations of the recording industry are being shaken, and it linked older, established stars with their younger progeny, whose record sales may not be as great but are reaching for the same level of fame.

Black Eyed Peas 赢得了最佳流行专辑(“The E.N.D.”)和最佳Pop乐队/组合,而R&B歌手Maxwell获得了最佳R&B男歌手和最佳R&B专辑(“BLACKsummers’ Night”)。Zac Brown Band这个来自亚特兰大的乡村摇滚团体摘取了最佳新人/团体的奖项,尽管他们在2004以来已经发售了3张专辑。这个充满了吸引眼球的表演的盛典是在唱片工业根基已经动摇的时候来庆祝流行乐的力量,它同时也把成名已久的巨星和刚刚出道的新人们星联系在一起,尽管新人的唱片销量远没达到他们名气的水准。

Lady Gaga opened the show, held at the Staples Center, in a duet with Elton John, both singers covered in soot as they faced each other for a medley of Lady Gaga’s “Speechless” and Mr. John’s “Your Song.” It was a typically meta statement by Lady Gaga about her travails through the machinery of “the fame factory,” as the stage set proclaimed. “How wonderful life is with Gaga in the world,” Mr. John sang.

在斯台普斯中心,Lady Gaga同Elton John一起进行了开场表演,他们一起在烟雾中面对面的演唱了Lady Gaga的 “Speechless”和Elton John的“Your Song.”的混合歌曲。 而这正是典型的Gaga在台上宣称的经过“名气工厂”机器的痛苦过程。“与Gaga同处在一片蓝天下是多么美好啊。”John唱到。

Their performance also hinted at the prominence of powerful female pop stars, and ones who are particularly young for a ceremony that often favors established, midcareer artists. There is Ms. Swift and then there’s Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta. She is only 23 and has rocketed to pop fame in less than two years (though she ended up with only two awards). Beyoncé, a seasoned veteran — her wins this year brought her Grammy total to 16, along with her awards with Destiny’s Child — is 28. (Ms. Swift had a cross-generational superstar moment of her own, dressed in virginal white while singingFleetwood Mac’s “Rhiannon” and her own “You Belong With Me” with Stevie Nicks, whose dress was black as a black cat.)

他们的这段表演也暗示了这位年轻女星的如日中天的名望,这位非同一般年轻的歌手取代了那些成名已久处于职业生涯中期艺人的位置。前有Swift小姐后有真名是Stefani Germanotta的Lady Gaga。Gaga仅仅23岁而她已经如火箭般的速度在两年之内窜升至了名望的顶峰(尽管她最后只得到两个奖)。Beyoncé这位在今年之后连同她在迪斯尼的阶段,把自己的格莱美奖杯数增加到了16座的早已成名的艺人,也只有28岁。

For Ms. Swift, the Grammys capped a remarkable year. Her album “Fearless” (Big Machine) was the biggest seller of 2009, and she has taken trophies at almost every other big awards show, including the MTV Video Music Awards and the Country Music Association Awards. When “Fearless” took the Grammy for best country album, she gushed, “I feel like I’m standing here accepting the impossible dream.”


The Grammys are voted on by about 12,000 members of the Recording Academy, who must have credits on at least six commercially released tracks to qualify. To avoid competition with the 2010 Winter Olympics, which begin on Feb. 12 in Vancouver, British Columbia, the awards are being held earlier in the year than they ever have been before, and as a result the window of eligibility for nominations had to be adjusted to 11 months, from Oct. 1, 2008, to Aug. 31, 2009.


That change disqualified a number of major albums released in September, including releases by Jay-Z, Barbra Streisand, Miranda Lambert and Mariah Carey. But that did not prevent Jay-Z from taking three for singles, including best rap song and best rap/sung collaboration for “Run This Town,” and best rap solo performance for “D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune).”

这个改变是众多在9月发布的专辑不能被提名,而这包括了 Jay-Z, Barbra Streisand, Miranda Lambert和Mariah Carey一票大牌的专辑。不过这并没有阻碍Jay-Z拿到了3个单项奖:最佳饶舌歌手,最佳饶舌合作“Run This Town”和最佳饶舌单曲 “D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune).”

For all the power of youth, the Grammys still gave pride of place to older legends. A 3-D tribute to Michael Jackson featured Smokey Robinson, Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson and Carrie Underwood singing along with Jackson’s recorded voice in the ecological hymn “Earth Song.” Jackson’s two oldest children, Prince and Paris, accepted their father’s lifetime achievement award. “In all his songs, the message was simple: love,” Prince said, haltingly. “We will continue to spread his message and help the world. Thank you.”

虽然年轻势力很威猛,不过格莱美依然给了传奇们骄傲。由Smokey Robinson, Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson和Carrie Underwood与Michael Jackson一同演唱的3D版“Earth Song”来纪念MJ。Jackson最大的两个孩子Prince和Paris代表他们的爸爸接受了终身成就奖。“在他所有的歌之中,他所传达的信息很简单:爱。”Prince哽咽的说到“我们会继续传达这个信息还会帮助世界。谢谢大家。”

The memory of Jackson, who died in June, hung over the ceremony as one of its most beloved recipients and as a symbol of lost megacelebrity. He was the best-selling artist of 2009 by a wide margin; his 1982 album, “Thriller,” stands as one of the most popular recordings ever made; and in 1984 he won eight Grammys.


Other eye-catching performances included Pink singing “Glitter in the Air” suspended acrobatically from a snow-white swatch of silk, dripping what looked like sparkling water over the Staples Center’s orchestra seats. Beyoncé sang a medley of her song “If I Were a Boy” and Alanis Morissette’s girl-power anthem “You Oughta Know,” which won two Grammys in 1996.

另一个吸引眼球的节目来自Pink演唱的“Glitter in the Air”, 她是在雪白的丝带之上如悬浮杂技般完成的(译者注:貌似在VMA上就表演过了),她从斯台普斯中心的管弦乐座席上掠过的时候就像发光的水一样流下。Beyoncé用她的 “If I Were a Boy”和Alanis Morissette在1996年赢得两项格莱美的圣歌“You Oughta Know”一起演唱了一曲。

Mary J. Blige and Andrea Bocelli sang Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” with proceeds from a future iTunes download going to Haiti relief efforts. Bon Jovi, in this year’s Grammy Internet experiment, played a medley that included “Living on a Prayer” by fans’ online requests.

Mary J. Blige和Andrea Bocelli演唱了Simon和Garfunkel的 “Bridge Over Troubled Water,”这首歌是为了通过在iTunes上下载给海地捐助。Bon Jovi在今年格莱美的互联网实验中,在网上粉丝的要求下,表演了包括“Living on a Prayer”在内的一组混合曲目。

Lifetime achievement awards were also given to Leonard Cohen, André Previn, Loretta Lynn, the 89-year-old jazz trumpeter Clark Terry, the 94-year-old blues guitarist David (Honeyboy) Edwards and Bobby Darin (who died in 1973).

终身成就奖同样授予了Leonard Cohen, André Previn, Loretta Lynn,89岁的爵士小号手Clark Terry,94岁的布鲁斯吉他手David (Honeyboy) Edwards和Bobby Darin (在1973年去世)。

Of the 109 award categories this year, 100 were given out in a brisk and far less glamorous pretelecast ceremony. Many winners — including Lady Gaga, who won two early prizes — did not appear, but one who did was Neil Young, who won his first-ever Grammy. Along with Gary Burden and Jenice Heo, Mr. Young, under the title of art director, won best boxed set or special limited edition package, for his mammoth “Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 (1963-1972)” project. (He was held off from winning a Grammy that recognized his music; Bruce Springsteen’s “Working on a Dream” beat Mr. Young’s “Fork in the Road” for best solo rock vocal performance.)

今年有109座奖杯搬出,其中100座是在快节奏中颁出的。因此包括赢得两座奖杯的Gaga在内许多得到奖项的歌手并没有登台领奖,但是有一位仅拿了一座奖杯的却上台了,他就是Neil Young,因他的 “Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 (1963-1972)”以总监的身份赢得了最佳盒装/限量版包装奖。

Also in the pretelecast ceremony, Alison Krauss won her 27th Grammy as a participant in the album “Yo-Yo Ma & Friends: Songs of Joy and Peace,” tying her with Quincy Jones for the most lifetime wins of any living musician. Phoenix won best alternative album for “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix” (Loyaute/Glassnote).

同样也在典礼中,Alison Krauss以她在唱片“Yo-Yo Ma & Friends: Songs of Joy and Peace”合作者的身份赢得了她第27座格莱美,从而打平了Quincy Jones。Phoenix以”Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix”赢得了最佳另类专辑奖。

For all its big names and elaborate, Las Vegas-esque productions, the Grammys can also cast a light on the shoestring budgets that most musicians have adapted to. Accepting an award during the pretelecast ceremony for best-spoken-word album for children, Buck Howdy, a singer-songwriter from San Diego, commented that it cost him less to produce his album than it did to pay for valet parking at the Grammy nominees’ dinner.

通过名人出席和精美的制作,这种拉斯维加斯的制作方式,格莱美同样也实现了为大多数音乐家所接受的小成本。从圣地亚哥来的歌手、作曲者Buck Howdy赢得了最佳儿童读物奖项,他说付给男侍者帮他在提名者晚宴上停车的小费比他做张专辑画的还要多。

