
Microsoft admits Explorer used in Google China hack



Microsoft admits Explorer used in Google China hack

Microsoft has admitted that its Internet Explorer was a weak link in the recent attacks on Google's systems that originated in China.


The firm said in a blog post on Thursday that a vulnerability in the browser could allow hackers to remotely run programs on infected machines.


Following the attack, Google threatened to end its operations in China.

Microsoft has released preliminary guidance to mitigate the problem and is working on a formal software update.


So far, Microsoft "has not seen widespread customer impact, rather only targeted and limited attacks exploiting Internet Explorer 6".


"Based upon our investigations, we have determined that Internet Explorer was one of the vectors used in targeted and sophisticated attacks against Google and possibly other corporate networks," said Microsoft's director of security response Mike Reavey in the post.

“在我们的调查当中,我们确定IE只是针对Google和其他公司展开熟练黑客攻击的载体之一”微软的安全主管Mike Reavey如是说。



Security firm McAfee told news agency AFP that the attacks on Google, which targeted Chinese human rights activists worldwide, showed a level of sophistication above that of typical, isolated cyber criminal efforts.


McAfee's vice-president of threat research Dmitri Alperovitch told AFP that although the firm had "no proof that the Chinese are behind this particular attack, I think there are indications though that a nation-state is behind it".

McAfee的网络危害研究副主席Dmitri AlperovitchAFP说:“尽管他们公司并没有证据证明中国人是展开这次攻击背后的操作人,不过我认为种种迹象表明,一个国家政权就是这次网络攻击的幕后黑手。”

The recent spate of attacks was alleged to have hit more than 30 companies including Google and Adobe, but security firms have since said that such invasions are routine.


Mr Reavey echoed this in the post.

"Unfortunately cyber crime and cyber attacks are daily occurrences in the online world. Obviously, it is unfortunate that our product is being used in the pursuit of criminal activity. We will continue to work with Google, industry leaders and the appropriate authorities to investigate this situation."


