
Google Voice Arrives on the iPhone


Google Voice Arrives on the iPhone

Google voice来到了iPhone上

Apple may still officially be “pondering” whether it should approve Google’s Google Voice app for iPhone, but there’s finally good news: Google has released an entirely Web-based version of the service (at m.google.com/voice). It works on the iPhone as well as Palm’s Pre and Pixi handsets, and brings a large chunk of the functionality of the native Voice apps for Android and BlackBerry to your phone’s browser.

尽管苹果公司仍在考虑是否应该批准Google vocie程序在iPhone上运行,不过我们仍然的得到了一个好消息:Google为google voice服务开放了移动网页版本(m.google.com/voice))。这个网页是为了诸如iPhone、Plam Pre和Pixi这些手持设备所专门优化的,而且在浏览器上实现了像Android和黑莓上原生程序一样的大部分功能。

This new version, like mobile Gmail, is among the most app-like browser services I’ve ever seen, period, letting you dial from your Google contacts list or a keypad, read and listen to messages, send text messages, andconfigure the app right within mobile Safari. When you make calls using it, the person who answers sees your Google Voice number, not the “real” one associated with your phone: Google makes an outgoing call from the iPhone, then reroutes it over a line of its own.

这个新版的google voice像移动版的Gmail一样,是类程序的网页服务。我已经看到这个服务可以让人们从Google的联系人列表或者直接通过键盘拨号,阅读和听文字与语音信息,发送短信而且在移动版的Safari浏览器上运行良好。当你用这个应用打电话的时候,接电话的人看到的是你的Google Vocie号码,而不是你绑定Google Voice的真实号码:Google通过iPhone大厨电话,然后变更到自己的线路上。

There’s only so far that a Web-based telephony app can go. On Android and BlackBerry, Google Voice can insert itself as your default phone interface, and it gets access to the contacts stored on your phone. On the iPhone, it stays a secondary interface and can’t see your local contacts. (You can, however, use Google Sync to sync your phone’s contacts with your Google Account.) When you make an outgoing call, your iPhone confirms you want to do so and shows Google’s routing number rather than the one you’re really calling–kind of confusing. And while the interface for wrangling messages is a vast improvement on the rudimentary one in the old Web-based Google Voice, it still send you out of Safari and into QuickTime when you want to listen to a message.

这个程序是目前仅有的Google Voice的网络版的应用。在Android与黑莓上,Google Voice可以安装嵌入到你的电话里,而且可以直接使用手机中存储的名片。在iPhone上,Google Voice仍然停留在二级接口从而不能直接读取手机上的名片夹。(当然,你可以通过Google Sync这个应用程序从而把手机名片夹同步到你的Google账户中去。)当你往外打电话的时候,iPhone会让你确认你是否要这么做,而且显示的是你Google的号码来取代你真是想拨出的号码——这带来了一些困扰。而且尽管信息界面比上一个原始的Google Voice网页慢本区的了很大的进步,不过当你要听取信息时,iPhone仍然会退出浏览器而跳转到Quick Time。

In short, the new Web-based Google Voice is impressive–but it doesn’t eliminate the value that a true native Google Voice for iPhone might bring. I’m gloomily assuming that its arrive eliminates whatever remaining chance there was that Apple might approve the app, unless the FCC decides to weigh in further. But I’m also relieved that around 80% of the Google Voice experience–just to pick a number at random–has landed on my iPhone.

简而言之,尽管网页版的Google Voice是让人印象深刻的,不过它并不能抵消原生的iPhone版Google Voice程序可能所带来的使用感受。我仍对苹果公司会批准Google Voice进去App Store抱有少许的期望,除非FCC决定更进一步的进行权衡。不过我仍然随机选了个号码,在我的iPhone上体验到了打了八折的Google Voice。

