
Gay dating site ManCrunch.com asks for help after CBS rejects Super Bowl ad


Gay dating site ManCrunch.com asks for help after CBS rejects Super Bowl ad



Friday, January 29th 2010, 8:13 PM

Home page of www.mancrunch.com, the gay dating site. Their Super Bowl ad was rejected by CBS. WATCH THE AD below.
Home page of www.mancrunch.com, the gay dating site. Their Super Bowl ad was rejected by CBS.

CBS has rejected a gay dating site's Super Bowl ad and now Mancrunch.com wants a bite out of the network.


CNBC.com reporter Darren Rovell tweeted earlier Friday that CBS would not be airing ManCrunch.com's 'Playing for the Same Team' ad during the NFL game next week,FOXNews.com reports.

CNBC的记者Darren Rovell在周五的早些时候发了一条推说福克斯新闻报道说CBS电视台不会在下周的NFl比赛中播放ManCrunch.com的“为同一支队伍比赛”这支广告。

"Mancrunch.com has just received a formal rejection of its ad from CBS," Rovell wrote on Twitter.


In the ad two sports fans are watching an NFL game and discover their mutual affection over a bowl of chips. They proceed to make out to the surprise of another sports fan watching nearby.


The official rejection letter from CBS offered a vague explanation for its refusal to run the ad.


“CBS Standards and Practices has reviewed your proposed Super Bowl ad and concluded that the creative is not within the Network’s Broadcast Standards for Super Bowl Sunday,” it stated. “Moreover, our Sales Department has had difficulty verifying your organization’s credit status.”


Earlier this week, CBS said it would only allow advocacy ads that were "responsibly produced."


The announcement came after quarterback Tim Tebow's thinly veiled pro-life ad for Focus on the Family, a Christian group, was given a Super Bowl spot.

这责声明是在四分卫Tim Tebow的反堕胎广告之后发出的,而这个广告是"关注家庭"这个基督教团体所投放的,这个团体也给了超级碗赞助。

ManCrunch.com cited Tebow's ad as a good example for why they should not have been denied air time.


“We are very disappointed that in 2010 such discrimination is happening especially given the fact that Focus on the Family is allowed to promote their way of life during the Super Bowl,” a rep for the site told FOXNews.com.


ManCrunch.com says it's asking same-sex advocacy groups to petition CBS to protest the decision.


They will join women's groups who are currently fighting against the airing of Tebow's "advocacy ad," which the groups say is inappropriate for Super Sunday.


